Sunday, November 9, 2008

Past Years of Enjoying the Scenery

Lake Powell

Mt. Olympus Clouds
Vail, Colorado
Hiking Mt. Timpanogos-

Emerald Lake

(Snacking with a view.)

Newport Beach Sunset

Ahhh {sigh} It's time for a vacation, don't you think?

(These are all taken in the past 3 years, before I got my nice camera- taken with my old 4.1 Sony.) =)


  1. Ah, some great images :) That's one of the beauties of point & shoot digital cameras... it allows you the freedom to practice taking pictures focusing primarily on composition. It's the whole reason I started blogging in the first place... the compact digital camera, one that you could have with you anywhere, helps you to look at the world from a different perspective.

    All the while you get some real good practice in and then when you pick up the SLR, you can take what you've learned and add to it the advantages of manual controls and higher quality images, etc.

    Seriously, I was asked in my photography class by some fellow class mates how long I'd been taking pictures and I admitted that it'd just been the last few years and that it had only been with a point and shoot digital, nothing "serious". Looks like you've had a similar experience... keep up the great work, Em!

  2. p.s. I really love those last two captures of the beach... is that how they looked out of the camera (meaning have they been modified much in photoshop color-wise)? either way, I love that sort of golden color and just the shape and texture of those waves... gorgeous light you used there, it's pretty magical looking!

  3. oh man, those me feel like i just went on a vacation!! thanks for the trip, em!

  4. Mikie- Yep that's really what the lighting was like on the beach. I'll admit I do with my photos a little boost usually, but honestly those two are the only one's that I didn't do anything but crop. Beautiful Newport. The original is just perfect.

  5. Em, you are amazing!! I'm considering having you be my photographer at my wedding. (if you want)


Thanks for the comments! :)